Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Do you know where your nearest earthquake proof shelter in Tsukuba is?

In follow up to the last post about earthquake proof shelters, here is some additional information.

I have prepared a google earth file showing all the locations of the shelters mentioned in the the table provided by Tsukuba city hall. First find the shelter closest to your house. Then use the table to determine whether or not the shelter is earthquake proof. This is denoted by o (yes) or x (no) in the column marked 耐震性の判定.

You can also find the construction year in Japanese years (s for showa emperor period, h for heisei) in the column marked  建築年. You can see that from showa 57, or 1982, the building code changed from old to new. It is not clear what the difference is between the old and new building codes from this table.

But why not also find the shelter closest to your work, or along the road to work? Please also remember if you have to go to a(n earthquake proof) shelter, there might not be sufficient facilities. You should always bring your own medication or additional items in case of e.g. pregnancy, and take in mind that the shelter might not be able to house your pet(s). Prepare a bag with items to bring to the shelter today, so you are not caught unprepared during the stressful period of a severe earthquake.

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