Friday, February 8, 2013

Earthquakes in the Netherlands

On the one hand, earthquakes in the Netherlands aren't that much of a big deal. The Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI) registers all earthquakes. The latest 30 earthquakes are listed below, "G" meaning induced. Nearly all have occurred in the North, in the province Groningen, and are induced by gas extraction.

2013-02-07 - 23:19:08.9Zandeweer3.23KmGPhase Data
2013-02-07 - 22:31:58.3Zandeweer2.73KmGPhase Data
2013-02-05 - 14:53:08.5Garmerwolde1.53KmGPhase Data
2013-02-04 - 04:20:40.8Froombosch0.93KmGPhase Data
2013-02-03 - 14:13:24.7Lageland1.43KmGPhase Data
2013-01-28 - 17:43:53.7Meedhuizen1.53KmGPhase Data
2013-01-27 - 09:35:06.6Irresheim1.413KmTPhase Data
2013-01-27 - 08:49:38.3Froombosch1.23KmGPhase Data
2013-01-20 - 18:26:32.6Sint Odilienberg3.114.2KmTPhase Data
2013-01-19 - 20:10:08.0Overschild2.43KmGPhase Data
2013-01-18 - 16:44:00.6Zandeweer1.33KmGPhase Data
2013-01-12 - 22:37:32.5Steendam0.93KmGPhase Data
2013-01-12 - 16:24:40.7Krewerd0.93KmGPhase Data
2013-01-12 - 01:28:24.6Zuidbroek0.63KmGPhase Data
2013-01-11 - 22:38:57.1Steendam0.83KmGPhase Data
2013-01-11 - 22:36:50.5Usquert1.83KmGPhase Data
2013-01-11 - 12:51:47.1Delfzijl1.43KmGPhase Data
2013-01-09 - 17:57:25.0Lauwerzijl1.23KmGPhase Data
2013-01-07 - 10:13:04.1Neupre1.920KmTPhase Data
2013-01-05 - 23:14:58.9Noordzee2.63KmGPhase Data
2013-01-05 - 20:16:53.7Vijlen2.917KmTPhase Data
2013-01-05 - 04:08:41.4Garrelsweer0.93KmGPhase Data
2012-12-25 - 20:36:29.6\'t Zandt1.23KmGPhase Data
2012-12-20 - 20:25:20.1Zuidbroek0.63KmGPhase Data
2012-12-17 - 09:13:57.8Loppersum1.23KmGPhase Data
2012-11-30 - 20:02:03.0Steendam0.93KmGPhase Data
2012-11-30 - 16:17:54.2Steendam1.13KmGPhase Data
2012-11-30 - 16:17:50.4Steendam13KmGPhase Data
2012-11-29 - 20:41:03.6Cadier en Keer0.917.4KmTPhase Data
2012-11-27 - 20:03:00.5Froombosch0.43KmGPhase Data

The third column represents the magnitude and are not particularly high. However, imagine you have built your house in what is known to be an earthquake free zone, so there are no special building regulations enforced to protect your house, school, work office, supermarket, etc. against earthquake. Although the gas drilling and extraction has been taking place since 1986, the earthquakes are now increasing in magnitude and frequency, and your house is even becoming damaged from these small quakes.
Just two weeks ago the Dutch Petroleum Company (NAM, Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij) responded to research from the KNMI that indicated the magnitudes of the earthquakes were likely to increase to 4 or 5, by reserving a 100 million euro to enforce fragile structures. Minister Kamp of Economic Affairs does not want to restrict the gas extraction but prefers to wait for the results of further investigations. The main reason is that 97% of Dutch households are dependent on this gas. In 2012 47 billion cubic meter gas was extracted and also exported to neighboring countries Germany, Belgium and France. This gave the Dutch government a profit of 11.5 billion euro. Comparing this to the total of governmental income, income from gas extraction is about 4.6% (see image below, gasbaten 12,0). The NAM has made a user-friendly website to report damages to your house and share experiences, but this doesn't affect the causes of the induced earthquakes.

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