Friday, November 29, 2013

News in Japan - November

Regulators OKs fuel rod removal from pool at Fukushima plant
Video: This Is How Removal of Fuel Assemblies from Reactor 4 Spent Fuel Pool Is to Be Carried Out, According to TEPCO
For many Fukushima evacuees, the truth is they won't be going home

This is the year of the typhoon
Osaka estimates 133,000 could die if quake hits Nankai Trough the number of deaths could be reduced by 80% if evacuations begin within 10 minutes of a tsunami alert.
Japan's poor gender gap worsening, WEF survey finds
System ‘failing asylum seekers’
Long green card wait has happy ending for Japan woman and wife
1,500 disabled Japanese abused in half-year period
Thousands protest against tough new official secrets law
Japan to spend Y1 tril on public works for stimulus
Foreign trainees in Japan face exploitation

Tornado affected Netherlands (Dutch)
Deaths from storm in Netherlands (Dutch)
Amount of people aged 45 and up with poor literacy skills is growing (Dutch)

Midwest tornadoes, winds slam towns and trucks; 5 killed in Illinois
Kids Today Run Slower Than Their Parents Did

Scientists Develop New Method to Help Global Coasts Adapt to Sea-Level Rise

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