Monday, December 3, 2012

Japanese disaster book

Here are some images from an interesting Japanese disaster book, showing historic drawings of a catfish, often believed to live underground causing earthquakes, as well as the 1923 great Tokyo fire (following an earthquake); and the geophysical condition of the Kanto area. This is a great publication especially if you can understand Japanese, and even if not, most images speak for themselves. Local disaster history can play an important role in maintaining awareness of possible disasters.

The book was part of an exhibition on 80 years of disaster history at the Katsushika City Museum last month:



Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011, was an event that radically subvert natural and human involvement. 
Even now more than one and a half years have passed, not proceed reconstruction of the affected areas, and you can not take many people are not able to return home, on earlier work, the state continues to be painful. 
In particular, the time required for decades until decommissioning, people of restricted areas and residential difficulty returning home surrounding, to regain previous life, nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi, many difficulties are to be expected. Since the 17th century, this exhibition we have tried to verify the historical disaster in Tokyo Kanto Plain lowland are located. Although most disaster that can not pass is avoided, but in harmony with nature, and confront various disasters that have occurred, predecessors, has undergone a revival. From historical records that are left to inherit the future of disaster a little lesson, I hope it will be an opportunity to once again face to face with nature.

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