Friday, January 6, 2012

Storm and imminent dyke breach in the Netherlands

A storm has slightly disrupted normal life in the Netherlands last weekend, with wind speeds over a hundred kilometer per hour and rainfall amounts of 70 to 90 mm, which normally falls in the entire month of January, according to the KNMI.

The following has occurred:
- firemen rescuing cows and horses from floodplains
- ferries and airplane trips cancelled or delayed
- sandbags made available for houses in Dordrecht
- major cities along the Rhine closing river fronts, cars being towed from adjacent parking lots
- 800 people evacuated over the weekend from an area in the northern province of Groningen where a dyke breach was imminent

In the end, the water boards were praised for their swift and precise actions. The current debate about the legitimacy of water boards was once again pulled in favor of their existence. Maybe this event can spur delayed spending for dyke maintenance.

Neighboring countries Germany and Belgium were less lucky than the Netherlands, as in each country one person died. More pictures and news in Dutch available, also on the website of the water board in Groningen.

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