Friday, August 27, 2010

News - August

The area affected by the Pakistan floods can now be seen on the website of BBC dimensions in comparison to other countries, so you get an idea of how much soil and how many people really are affected. The UN estimates that there are currently 17.2 million people in need of assistance and 800.000 people are cut off from aid over land, and therefore has asked for 40 additional helicopters.

Yesterday the Netherlands experienced a day of torrential rainfall, after which it has become abundantly clear how too much water can disrupt daily life. Many areas had 50 mm of precipitation within hours, as opposed to it falling during the entire month of August. Coincidentally yesterday also a media event was held after all, on both radio and television channels, to raise money for Pakistan. Over 16.1 million euro was collected, mainly from private donations. The government promised an additional 2 million euro during this event.

Also this week, the ministry of Transport, public works and water management has provided 250 million euros to reinforce weak spots in the Dutch sea defense in areas of the province North-Holland. That's 125% more for floods that may very well never occur, but it's better than nothing.

In the mean time Freerice has also made a change to its website. In the beta version it is now possible to keep track of your daily scores and compare them to others'. If you feel you'd rather provide aid in a physical form rather than money and you don't have a helicopter in your back yard, Freerice is a sure way to do some good whilst getting smarter.

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