Saturday, June 1, 2013

News in Japan - May



Other disasters:

Vulnerable People:
Excerpts: Nearly a third of the police force is over 50 years of age. There were 51.552 fulltime jobs officers working on the street in 2012. The average age of officers on the street is 41.7. Minister Opstelten of the Ministry of Security and Justice fears that the older officers cannot handle the physical work load. 

23 mei 2013 18:07
None of the so-called safety regions in our country really meet all of the requirements. Organizationally they are becoming better prepared for disasters, but warning and regulations for information have barely progressed in the recent years. This is the conclusion of the Inspection Safety and Justice in the report ‘Status of Disaster fighting 2013. Also, enough drills and evaluation occurs in few safety regions. The department of security has announced that Minister Ivo Opstelten will insist on improvements in the concerning regions. 

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