Friday, December 31, 2010

Earthquakes Japan 2010

This is an overview of all the earthquakes in Japan in 2010, sorted per magnitude and shindo (震度, shaking intensity). This data was generated by using the Japan Meteorological Agency database.

The most earthquakes in a single category were shindo 1 and magnitude 3-3.9.
Shindo 1 earthquakes ranged from magnitude 1 to 5.9.
Shindo 2 earthquakes ranged from magnitude 1 to 6.9.
Shindo 3 earthquakes ranged from magnitude 1 to 6.9.
Shindo 4 earthquakes ranged from magnitude 4 to 7.9.
Shindo 5- earthquakes ranged from magnitude 4 to 7.9.

Below the frequency distribution of earthquakes during the year is shown:

Comparing the JMA statistics with the data from their database, two earthquakes were missing from the data in the database (one of shindo 2 and one of shindo 3).

Intensity 震度7 震度6強 震度6弱 震度5強 震度5弱 震度4 震度3 震度2 震度1 Total
2010 0 0 0 0 5 32 99 294 883 1313

Intensity 震度7 震度6強 震度6弱 震度5強 震度5弱 震度4 震度3 震度2 震度1 Total
2010 0 0 0 0 5 32 98 293 883 1311

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