Wednesday, October 27, 2010

News - October

Divers of the KNNV nature club will hold a lecture about underwater nature in November. More>>>

The union of water boards highlights a free international conference in Bonn, Germany scheduled in November, on the future of the river Rhine. The main language of the conference is German, translations are available in Dutch and French. More>>>

The magazine Land & Water reports:
  • A new system has been developed that enables monitoring the current status of dikes, dams, railroads and bridges based on satellite imagery. More>>>
  • Natural areas suffering from dessication were revitalized by raising the ground water level. However, roads in these areas are now suffering from this water surplus. More>>>
  • Water board Regge en Dinkel is starting a project called 'The Breakthrough', involving the relocation of the route of a discharge route in Twente. It is estimated to take 15 years to complete and will cost 50 million euro. More>>>

The magazine H2O reports:
  • Several parties in the province of Brabant aimed at water, lifestyle, art and design have initiated a Water Lifestyle Center. More>>>
  • A new website waterwerkvormen has been launched, where you can find policy and negotiation tools involving water, climate and spatial development. More>>>
  • Water board Rijn en IJssel has asked an independent agency to review the effectiveness of its response during the severe water incident last August. On review are the cooperation with other parties, communicating, whether or not the current water system is up to regulations and if the water board acted according to circumstances. More>>>

The magazine De Ingenieur reports:
  • A new decision aiding matrix has been developed to help explore the design possibilities of houses as flood barriers. Many parties are involved that all have their own values to protect: water boards care about water safety norms, municipalities and citizens want high living standards. The so-called Urban Flood Protection Matrix indicates the viability of plans for each party involved. Still missing are rules and regulations for building these structures. More>>>

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