Friday, July 30, 2010

Informing the public in Japan

洪水避難地図や防災グッズ紹介 (2010年05月17日)


Translated news item from Yamagata news online:

An introduction to flood shelter maps and disaster prevention goods (17 May 2010)

During the flood prevention month (May 1-31st), the promotional spreading of flood evacuation maps was started by unfolding panels in the Yamagata City Hall entrance.
Besides flood evacuation maps, display panels explaining the evacuation points and pictures of the most recent flood distasters urge preparing for disasters.

Click here for the article and video.

The goods shown at the end of the video have the sign "shopping possibilities for 100 yen" (0.87 euro/1.14 US Dollar) and include items such as a rain coat, a rope, a whistle, and an emergency light.

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