Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Joso flood field survey photos

ICHARM held a field survey in the affected area of Joso city on 17 September 2015. Ibaraki prefecture released an overview of the events and responses on 30 September 2015, including the following information on Joso city:

Number of deaths: 2
Number of injured people: 2 seriously, 11 medium, 17 lightly

Number of people missing: 0
Number of houses flooded above floor level: 4851
Number of houses flooded below floor level: 6600
Evacuees from Joso city: 504 (202 in Joso, 302 in other cities’ shelters) 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Joso city flood GSI information

The Geospatial Institute in Tsukuba has made a huge amount of maps available regarding this flood. I highlighted a few of them in this post. Check their website for more detailed information and presentations (in Japanese). Land use maps are also available.

Most easy to understand are these before/after and during/after maps:

They also show the progression of the flood through time on aerial photos (click for larger version):

The affected houses and agricultural areas are well documented, and the elevation map shows the bowl structure the city lies in between the two rivers Kinu (West) and Kokai (East). The north point experienced over-topping, the south point experienced a levee breach.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Joso city flood information

Heavy flooding causes deaths, injuries In Miyagi Prefecture, one woman was found dead in her floating car, and in Tochigi Prefecture, to the north of the capital Tokyo, two deaths were reported, one in a landslide and another who had drowned.

Officials of Ibaraki Prefecture say all 15 Joso City residents who couldn't be contacted after last week's floods were found unharmed on Tuesday.