Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Earthquakes Japan 2014

This is an overview of all the earthquakes in Japan in 2014, sorted per magnitude and shindo (震度, shaking intensity). This data was generated by using the Japan Meteorological Agency database.

The most earthquakes in a single category were shindo 1 and magnitude 3-3.9.
Shindo 1 earthquakes ranged from magnitude 0 to 6.9.
Shindo 2 earthquakes ranged from magnitude 1 to 6.9.
Shindo 3 earthquakes ranged from magnitude 1 to 6.9.
Shindo 4 earthquakes ranged from magnitude 3 to 7.9.
Shindo 5- earthquakes ranged from magnitude 4 to 6.9.
The Shindo 5+ earthquake fell into magnitude 6 to 6.9.
The Shindo 6- earthquake fell into magnitude 6 to 6.9.

Below the frequency distribution of earthquakes during the year is shown:

Comparing the JMA statistics with the data from their database, four earthquakes were missing from the data in the database (three of shindo 1 and one of shindo 2).

Intensity 震度7 震度6強 震度6弱 震度5強 震度5弱 震度4 震度3 震度2 震度1 Total
2014 0 0 1 1 7 46 134 535 1328 2052

Intensity 震度7 震度6強 震度6弱 震度5強 震度5弱 震度4 震度3 震度2 震度1 Total
2014 0 0 1 1 7 46 134 534 1325 2048

Friday, December 26, 2014

News in Japan - December

Kindergarten to pay Y60 million over 3/11 tsunami deaths

7 die, troops called in as heavy snow hits Japan

Desalination out of Desperation
Colorado River Delta greener after engineered pulse of water

Pakistan's women worst prepared in region for natural disasters - NGO
Typhoon-proof homes in Vietnam build hope for disaster-prone areas
Typhoon-hammered Philippines in 'fight for our survival'
Eat less meat, dairy to slow climate change, study says - TRFN
Eight challenges for science and society to shape a sustainable future
Thai, Myanmar villagers fear secretive Salween dam project
Philippine rescuers struggle to reach villages after typhoon "folded homes like paper"
"Whiplash" typhoon a cruel blow for already poverty-stricken central Philippines Nearly 13,000 houses were destroyed and more than 22,300 damaged on the eastern island of Samar after the storm hit on Saturday before making its slow journey across the country. The Red Cross said it had received reports of 35 deaths, but has confirmed only 22. "This house was destroyed during Yolanda," resident Pedro Mainiti told local TV, using the Philippine name for Typhoon Haiyan which struck last November, leaving more than 7,000 dead or missing. "I haven't recovered yet and here goes another storm." The government has so far only built 550 of the 205,000 promised permanent houses for Haiyan survivors, according to the rehabilitation agency.
French mayor Rene Marratier jailed for role in deadly flood The former mayor of a French seaside town has been sentenced to jail for four years for ignoring flood risks before a storm that killed 29 people. the court said that Marratier knew La Faute-sur-Mer, a west coast resort in the Pays de la Loire region, was at risk of flooding. However, he "deliberately hid" the risk so that he could benefit from the "cash-cow" of property development.
SPECIAL REPORT-In Jakarta, that sinking feeling is all too real
The Aftershocks Seven of Italy’s top scientists were convicted of manslaughter following a catastrophic quake. Has the country criminalized science? time-risk blindness
Aceh's unfinished recovery
Dozens die as Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines battered by storms

Vulnerable people:
Poverty takes on a new look in today's Japan
Another low for Japan's gender gap, as only 15% of election candidates are female Only 169 of the 1,093 candidates from eight major parties were women - far short of the administration's stated goal of having 30 percent of public- and private-sector leadership positions filled with women by 2020. A 2014 report on the gender gap by the World Economic Forum said Japan has one of the worst levels of gender equality in the developed world, ranking it 104th of 142 countries assessed.

Friday, November 28, 2014

News in Japan - November

All spent fuel removed from Fukushima Daiichi No. 4 unit pool
TEPCO unable to stop tainted water flows into tunnels

Snow-capped Mt. Ontake still spewing smoke, ash
Nishinoshima eruption one year on Japan Coast Guard officials say that as of October 16th, the island measured 1,550 meters east to west and 1,700 meters north to south. That is 8.6 times larger than it was before.
Hakuba ski resorts quell rumors of quake damage
The magnitude 6.7 quake, which hit a little after 10 p.m. on Saturday night local time, left dozens of people injured, seven of them seriously. Public broadcaster NHK reported that over 300 people are still living in evacuation shelters as of Tuesday morning. According to the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, Hakuba slipped southeast towards Tokyo by approximately 29 centimeters (about one foot) due to the quake. The city also sank by around 12 centimeters. The quake's epicenter was about five kilometers (three miles) underground near Hakuba. The area has since been hit by multiple aftershocks, including one Tuesday morning that had a magnitude of 4.1.

World Bank wants the Netherlands to play a more prominent role in addressing global water issues

Upgrading infrastructure could reduce flood damage
East coast, U.S. hurricanes can flood the Midwest

Flooding could worsen Pakistan's water shortage, experts warn
670,000 smog-related deaths a year: the cost of China's reliance on coal
L'Aquila quake: Scientists see convictions overturned
Air pollution slashes India's potential grain yields by half- study
Sri Lanka landslide deaths linked to early warning failures

Weather forecasters predict better services for women
Investing in resilience can no longer wait

Vulnerable people:
40.3% of Japanese youth depend on parents for income: survey

Friday, October 31, 2014

News in Japan - October

Evacuation advisory lifted for part of town near Fukushima nuclear plant
Public (14/10/20) the video from the sea area of ​​8 Google, the Sanriku coast

JMA website for volcanic warnings:
Japan's volcanoes: Could Fuji be next? According to a government study published in June, 80% of inhabited areas threatened by the effects of a potential nearby volcanic eruption have no evacuation plan.
4,000 take part in Mt Fuji eruption drill Nearly 4,000 residents in 26 cities, towns and villages in Shizuoka, Yamanashi and Kanagawa prefectures around the mountain took part in the first-ever such drill, said a disaster management official for the Shizuoka prefectural government. On Sept 27, Mt Ontake, some 120 kilometers Mt Fuji, erupted without warning—killing 56 people and leaving at least seven others missing in Japan’s deadliest eruption for almost 90 years. Mochizuki said the Mt Fuji exercise had been planned for three years. “But because of the (Ontake) eruption, we are conducting the drill in a serious atmosphere.”

High water due to autumn storm (Dutch)

Designing rivers: Environmental flows for ecosystem services in rivers natural and novel

Stunning HD footage of Super Typhoon Vongfong from the International Space Station
Cyclone kills 24 in east India, sparks fears of floods
Can the world produce enough food for 2 bln more people?
Desert streams: Deceptively simple
Glacier song: Studying how water moves through glaciers
New methods to calculate risk of floods
DRR Mission Report NL team to Philippines
100 million people affected by disasters in 2013 (Dutch) The amount of disasters (529) as well as the amount of affected people has not been this low in the past 10 years (World Disaster Report IFRC). 87% of the affected lives in Asia.

Vulnerable people:
Older people hit hardest by disasters - report Older people suffer disproportionately from floods, cyclones, typhoons, heatwaves and other disasters, yet are often excluded from disaster management planning, according to a report released on Monday.The report by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and HelpAge International comes at a time when life expectancy continues to rise and the ageing population continues to grow.
You're never too old to be disaster-resilient
Female civil servant sues over 'institutional sexism' in her ministry

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Delta plan Netherlands

Last month the Dutch newspaper Trouw (19th September) reported on the new Dutch Deltaplan, made to counter the current water challenges. The Netherlands is facing increased river discharge, increased precipitation, and a sea level rise of about 35-85 cm, in combination with land subsidence. 

After the 1953 flood disaster safety levels of levees were calculated and levees were prepared accordingly. What was lacking consisted of maintenance (one third of the levees did not fulfill the original safety designs), and the norms were never recalculated to account for any changes, including climate change. The norms also didn't account for levee failures by droughts or by piping, where water seeps through underneath the levee. 

The new norms work differently. Rather than calculating the chance of floods, the chance of levee failure is used. Another change is to use the chance of dying from a flood rather than a flood occurrence. The new norm of acceptable safety is having a chance of 1 in 100,000 to die as a consequence of floods. The standard safety norms for other disasters such as dangerous compounds is 1 in 1,000,000. The reason floods have a higher chance is mainly that it is impossible to arrange physical infrastructure to reach the 1,000,000 safety norm. Furthermore, it is assumed that 1% of all people will drown once a polder is flooded. If the current status of the levee indicates that more people might drown, this levee is up for revision. The new Delta program calculated that over 200 levee areas will have stricter norms.

Other issues still remain, such as the traditional issue of flooding abroad. If the rivers flood in Germany, the water will enter the Netherlands not through the improved rivers, but over land unprotected by levees.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Dissertation published online

GRIPS has published my dissertation titled "Vulnerable People and Flood Risk Management Policies". You can find it here.

Keywords: Disaster Risk Management, disaster law, vulnerable people, social vulnerability, flood, evacuation

The main goal of this study is to evaluate the measures for vulnerable people in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) policies focusing on floods. There are many groups of potentially vulnerable people (e.g., older adults, people with disabilities, people living in poverty) whose characteristics are not accounted for in emergency plans; vulnerable people require more attention if they are to experience an equal disaster risk level.
The original contributions of this study are as follows: a proposal of definitions for vulnerable people and groups of potentially vulnerable people; a theoretical framework with indicators focusing on six groups of vulnerable people; an overview of the potentially vulnerable people for flood hazards in the Netherlands, Japan, and the United States; and a metric designed to evaluate DRM policies, from national to subnational and regional levels.
The results reveal that the top 10 indicators account for 80% of all (gross sum of) potentially vulnerable people, 7 of which are identical. These top 10 indicators can serve as a starting point in order to increase the resilience of the vulnerable population. These 3 countries can learn from each other’s measures regarding the 7 identical indicators, and possibly apply them in their own area. The metric shows that DRM laws rarely anticipate a future increase in the number of potentially vulnerable people, and none of the laws were created by involvement of potentially vulnerable people. We count on our governments to make equitable policies, but this has clearly not yet been established in these developed, democratic countries.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Published paper

The Journal of Disaster Research has published my article titled "A Quantitative Estimate of Vulnerable People and Evaluation of Flood Evacuation Policy", which contains the main research results of my doctoral dissertation. This is an open access journal, you can become a member by registering for free and access all articles published.

Disaster Risk Management (DRM) laws and policies ideally contain measures to reduce disaster risk to all exposed people equally, even the most vulnerable people. To investigate this, we estimate the number of potentially vulnerable people in areas exposed to flood hazard, and evaluate the laws and policies which aim to reduce vulnerability. We proposed a theoretical framework based on four recognized characteristics of vulnerability (less physically or mentally capable; fewer material and/or financial resources; less access to information, and restricted by commitments) and created indicators for six groups of potentially vulnerable people: children, older adults, minorities, people with disabilities, people living in poverty, and women. We applied the framework to the populations of Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States, and proposed a new DRM policy evaluation method; and found that measures in DRM laws and policies are not in proportion to the number of potentially vulnerable people. The most numerous indicators included children aged 0-14, women with no car, and people with pets. The top ten indicators account for 80% of all potentially vulnerable people. When addressing the needs of vulnerable people from a policy perspective, these top ten indicators may serve as a starting point in order to increase the resilience of the vulnerable population. Seven of these ten are identical across the three case study countries, meaning the countries can learn from each other’s measures and possibly apply them in their own area. Policy evaluation showed that while many laws and policies do recognize various groups of potentially vulnerable people, they lack detailed support measures. Much remains to be amended in policies on all scale levels if the policies are to realize an equal disaster risk for all exposed people.

Journal ref: Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.9, No.5 pp. 887-900, 2014
Received: June 17, 2014
Accepted: August 7, 2014
Published online: 02 Oct 2014
DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2014.p0887
Indexed in Scopus, Compendex (Ei)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Symposium "Policy studies on huge disasters"

Hosted at GRIPS, this symposium featured two keynote speeches by experts and a panel discussion with the following members:

  • Mr. Tetsuro Ito (Guest Professor, The University of Tokyo, Former Chief Cabinet Secretary for Crisis Management)
  • Mr. Takahito Iwata  (Director of Emergency Management Department, Shizuoka Prefectural Government)
  • Mr. Hajime Kagiya   (General Manager of Secretariat to the Assembly, Itabashi Ward Tokyo, Lecturer of Hosei University)
  • Prof. Keiko Tamura (Professor, Risk Management Office at Niigata University, Former member of Central Disaster Prevention Council)
  • Prof. Haruo Hayashi (Keynote speech 1 “Huge disasters and Improvement of resilience”)(Professor and Director, Research Center for Disaster Reduction Systems, Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University)
  • Prof. Naoshi Hirata (Keynote speech 2 “Generating mechanism of the huge earthquake disasters”) (Professor and Director, Earthquake Prediction Research Center at The University of Tokyo)

While the speeches were mainly technical and focused on the GEJET 2011 and predictions of similar future events in other areas of Japan, the panel discussion allowed for a small widening of topics, most importantly because it was possible to hand in questions to the panel members. There were simultaneous English-Japanese translations, so the following information may contain translation errors.

During the speeches the current predictions of a magnitude 8-9 earthquake in the Nankai trough (South East Japan) in the coming 30 years has 60-70% chance of occurring and showed over 300,000 deaths and a 30m tsunami in Shikoku. It is expected to cost 420 billion yen to reduce the estimated victims.

Tokyo still has a high probability of a magnitude 7+ earthquake. Here the main cause of death in projections is estimated to occur by electrical fires (70% of all projected deaths), meaning policies are focusing on how to stimulate private house owners to improve their houses as the government taxes are not sufficient to pay for all individual improvements. The fires are predicted to last 2 days as firefighters won't be able to reach all locations and electricity is thought to be out for one week. No police or ambulance can travel on the road for about a month due to obstructions. The Tokyo population is still increasing, not to births which are actually less than the amount of deaths, but due to immigration.

Equally interesting was the predictions of a magnitude 7-8 earthquake in Hokkaido and more northern island, which are Russian. Here it was mentioned that for some disputed islands, it is legally unclear who is responsible to save the inhabitants, though of course the Japanese government would make any effort to save those in need of rescue regardless of nationality.

During the panel discussion several topics were brushed. Mr. Iwata explained about Shizuoka, which already has many communities of 25% older adults where communities may lose their functions and become isolated during a disaster due to the mountainous area and easily blocked roads. It may even be that the area cannot receive relief. Should the communities aim at being fully self-resilient or be interdependent?

Residents who refused to evacuate when ordered to do so during the GEJET came in two categories, as explained by Prof. Tamura. The first wanted to claim damages, thought they understood the water level, and didn't acknowledge the tsunami. This could be addressed with by more education and adaptability. The second just couldn't pull themselves away from daily life, due to e.g. medication. This also requires more education during the normal routine, think about how you can be comfortable evacuating, and by keeping precious belonging nearby and ready to take with you.

Prof. Hirata commented on the possible eruption of mount Fuji, which was met with laughter. He said explosions are never sudden, there are several predicting phenomenon observed before eruptions. Some of those signs can be detected, and there are none right now. The magazine and press reports are without substance. During a magnitude 5 earthquake there were volcanic eruptions, so there will be a slightly higher chance for Fuji to erupt during a magnitude 9 earthquake. It could occur in the coming 50 years, a hazard map is available.
Mr. Iwata added that there is an evacuation plan coordinated between 3 prefectures which will be rehearsed next month and focuses on pyroclastic flow. One difficultly for the Nankai trough earthquake is that several eruptions are expected, roads will be damaged, and a small flow will already result in 200,000 evacuees, which is very difficult to manage.

Mr. Ito commented on local disaster drills. Always the same people visit the drills, but they would like to train specifically young mothers and students. There are not enough people to organize workshops on the community level. He also said that having a nice plan with pictures does not mean implementation is easy. For individuals, he recommends to make a disaster plan beforehand with your family based on the assumption that you are still alive and the shelters work. You should have water and food, and be fully prepared to protect yourself.

Mr. Ito also mentioned the relocation of (governmental functions of) Tokyo, which has been discussed many times and abandoned for various reasons. Can the ministries in Kasumigaseki survive? How can this, and the stock exchange, be maintained? Do the backup offices function? These questions remained unanswered.

All in all it was a highly educational discussion with comments from experts in all policy levels as well as from various parts of the country, each adding their valuable experiences.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Published paper

The journal Water International (since 1975) has published my article titled "Transboundary water law and vulnerable people: legal interpretations of the ‘equitable use’ principle". This could be the focus of a future postdoc.


Vulnerable people require additional measures to ensure their water capabilities, as they have certain characteristics making them more vulnerable than others. As pointed out by recent studies, transboundary water access laws and policies do not sufficiently address the needs of vulnerable people. The prevailing legal arrangements often only address extrinsic vulnerability and forgo focusing on intrinsic vulnerability, which creates the need for different transboundary water legislation. This paper shows how international treaties can address the right to certain water capabilities by considering not merely the current but also future global populations into the creation of their transboundary agreements.

Volume 39, Issue 5, 2014, pages 743-754
Received: 12 May 2014
Accepted: 30 Jul 2014
Published online: 02 Sep 2014
2013 Impact Factor: 0.639

Monday, September 1, 2014

Bousai no hi (Disaster Preparedness Day)

September 1 is disaster preparedness day in Japan. Most governmental organizations and schools will hold a disaster drill around this time. This is also a good time to check your own disaster preparedness kit for completeness and expiration dates, as well as check how your work/study place is prepared. Do you know the nearest emergency exit?

At GRIPS I saw that the lounge on the fifth floor, which is the floor that also has most of the student desks, has a large amount of helmets in boxes. Unfortunately this means the helmets cannot be used during an emergency, as students would first have to go to the lounge, unpack the helmets, and fit them, before being able to protect their heads. If you get a helmet, keep it under your desk and make sure beforehand to adjust the straps so that it fits your head when you need it. If there is a major earthquake, you are likely to want immediate protection, not after 3-5 minutes.

While being under-prepared helmet wise, GRIPS does have warning signs on top of lockers to minimize  the amount of items that might fall on your head (now it is only these cardboard warning signs).

The Aeon supermarket was also promoting disaster preparedness and selling goods for survival packages at home.

In other news, the mame-shiba are now informing people about water pipes in the subways.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

News in Japan - August

No. of dead and missing from 2011 disaster stands at 21,586The National Police Agency said Monday that the number of deaths and missing persons attributed to the March 11, 2011 disaster stands at 21,586—18,498 in the disaster itself and 3,088 persons who have since died as a result of stress or illness recognized as being related to the disaster. According to the NPA, the death toll in Miyagi stands at 9,538; in Iwate, it is 4,673, and in Fukushima, the death toll is 1,611. In other prefectures, Ibaraki had 24 deaths, Chiba 21, Tokyo seven, Tochigi and Kanagawa four each, Aomori three, Yamagata two, Gunma and Hokkaido one each—for a total of 15,889 dead. Currently, the remains of 90 victims remain unidentified. The NPA said 1,269 persons remain unaccounted for in Miyagi, 1,132 in Iwate, and 204 in Fukushima. Meanwhile, police and Maritime Safety Agency personnel on Monday conducted another search for missing tsunami victims in the three disaster-hit prefectures of Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima, Fuji TV reported. Such searches have become common on the 11th day of each month, conducted at the request of families of the missing. No remains were found.





Vulnerable people:

The Netherlands in 21 infographics

The Dutch government has released a document called "The Netherlands in 21 infographics", containing facts and figures on the human environment.

It contains visualizations of food production (including fish), the environmental burdens (including on water use) of the current meat consumption trends, energy consumption (with the highest point of some 300 meters the Netherlands is too flat to generate hydro power), and transportation. The document also has several suggestions for change in the current consumption patterns and how this would help in reaching the EU target goals in reduced emissions. In the end, all production, consumption, and transportation will affect water use, and any reduction will leave room to improve in other areas.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Early Warning System in Chicago

Chicago has elected to apply the Modulator® II Electronic Siren Series for tornado warnings. Chicago has also chosen the most eerie of the sound options the sirens provide. This siren sounds almost as though it has already been heavily affected by the tornado and thereby strongly encourages people not to go outside but to seek shelter (as it effectively sounding as if it is the end of all times). Judge the effectiveness of this warning sound during a real tornado for yourself, or try out the various other options the Siren Series provides.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

News in Japan - July



Japan braces for typhoon Neoguri 55,000 people urged to evacuate U.S. officials at Kadena Air Force Base warned residents to take serious precautions. “I can’t stress enough how dangerous this typhoon may be when it hits Okinawa,” Commander James Hecker of the 18th Wing stationed in Kadena said in a statement posted online. “This is the most powerful typhoon forecast to hit the island in 15 years; we expect damaging winds to arrive by early Tuesday morning. “So be prepared!” Hecker said. “Tie down your outdoor items and work with your neighbors to help them.” He added: “During the typhoon, do not go outside… anything not tied down, even small items, could become deadly projectiles.”
Debris flow in Nagano prefecture (Japanese) – 1 death, train tracks displaced and houses destroyed
3 deaths from typhoon (Japanese): aged 12, 83 and 77 (all male)



Vulnerable people:
Improvements in life spans, education and incomes are slowing due to natural disasters, misguided government policies and worsening inequality in a world where the 85 richest people have as much wealth as the 3.5 billion poorest people, the United Nations said Thursday in its annual human development report.
“As this report says, it’s not rocket science,” UNDP head Helen Clark said in an interview before the report’s release. “Where people do address these things, development can come along very, very nicely. Where they haven’t addressed a lot of vulnerabilities and development deficits, as in Syria, it all comes spectacularly unstuck.” The UNDP report, published annually since 1990, is intended to inform and influence policy makers. Governments watch the rankings carefully, and “When they don’t do well they put a lot of pressure on us to change the rankings,” Malik said.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Heavy rain in the Netherlands

Here is a video of how the Dutch are handling the recent floods caused by heavy rainfall.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Heatstroke in Japan

After typhoon No. 8 has passed, summer temperatures above 30 degrees have returned. The ministry of the environment warns against heat stroke using a principle called WBGT: Wet Bulb Globe Temperature. This is an empirical index representing the heat stress to which individuals are exposed.

A paper from the end of 2011 described how different ministries are involved in heatstroke warnings:
The Ministry of the Environment has developed and distributes guidelines to prevent heat-related diseases, with specific recommendations for prevention at the local and regional levels [26]. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MOHLW) also promotes preventive action on heat through health education activities and the distribution of health promotion materials. These and other national entities maintain websites on the prevention of heat disorders. Forecasts of Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT—a widely used heat stress index) and levels of heat disorder risk are provided by the National Institute of Environmental Studies (NIES) throughout the summer via the Internet.

The ministry of the environment has published a possible heat stroke calendar, by using combined temperatures from the cities Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Sapporo, Sendai and Kagoshima, with cumulative figures of the past five years in the left most column:

The number of days with high temperatures has been increasing the past years. This calendar also shows why October and May are the months which are considered to have the best seasons.

Friday, July 4, 2014

International River Basins

The UN Watercourses Convention User's Guide (2012) contains maps of all the international river basins in the world. These show where transboundary agreements exist and where they are yet to be made. Most of the information comes from Oregon State (2009).
What we really need is a global organization focused on data management, monitoring the status of international agreements on for instance river basins, but also flood occurrences and other disasters would be a welcome addition. We have several UN organizations that might be suited for this task; and choosing one sole entity may be tricky.
Another interesting point of the user guide is that three countries voted against the convention in 1997: Burundi, China and Turkey. While Turkey had clear reservations against the ambiguous descriptions of equitable and reasonable use, what constitutes no harm, and how to settle international disputes while guaranteeing sovereignty; it was not clear why the other two countries voted against the convention.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Study limitations

There are three limitations to the methods I used to estimate the number of vulnerable people:

1) People tend to have multiple characteristics simultaneously/ characteristics may change over time

If the numbers of vulnerable people are combined, even though the real number of vulnerable people is not so many, the vulnerability would be increased depending on how many characteristics they have. This means that I have counted some people multiple times, depending on their characteristics. For instance, there are the indicators ‘people with disabilities and no car access’, and ‘older adults over 65 years old and having multiple disabilities’ which have overlap.

This can only be prevented in future research by collecting data on a more regional scale, which is now being introduced in Japan (Action Policies for Supporting Evacuation Activities of Persons Needing Assistance During Forced Evacuations (2013)). The municipalities are mandated to collect data on individual people needing evacuation assistance. My study shows the limitations of the currently available data and the necessity of collecting more data on an individual level.

2) Vulnerability is assumed as binary rather than a continuous variable

If a person has any characteristic, they are equally vulnerable to any other person with any other characteristic. For instance, a person in a wheelchair is equally vulnerable to a person without car access. This may seem unfair. It may be possible to apply weights or gradients, but these are subjective and depend on the culture or even on an individual level;  therefore I chose to work with unbiased numbers.

3) The characteristic ‘restricted by commitments’ – are people vulnerable?

If people are only restricted by commitments, they themselves do not have any characteristic that makes them intrinsically vulnerable. However, these people choose not to evacuate themselves immediately, because of sense of duty, relationship to a dependent, or to protect valuable assets. As they don't evacuate themselves immediately and remain in the exposed area, they become vulnerable to the disaster risk.

Pictures by Daniel Vrielink (2014).

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Exposure versus vulnerability

The focus of my thesis lies on measures for vulnerable people in exposed areas. I adopted the UNISDR (2009) definition of vulnerability, which distinguishes vulnerability from exposure. While part (or even all) of a given area (e.g., country, region, river basin, or community) can be exposed to a hazard, the population can be seen as consisting of vulnerable people and self-reliant people. Different parts of an area can be exposed to different types of hazard, and people can be vulnerable to different hazards. While part (or even all) of a given area (e.g., country, region, river basin, or community) can be exposed to a certain hazard, the population can be seen as consisting of vulnerable people and self-reliant people with regards to a certain hazard. 

The figure shows an area with vulnerable and self-reliant people. Whereas all the people in the floodplain may be exposed to floods, the self-reliant people are able to save themselves. They have the necessary physical and mental capacity, information and resources to save themselves, and are not restricted by commitments to e.g. family members, duty, possessions or place. Vulnerable people in the floodplain however have one or more of these characteristics and cannot immediately evacuate themselves out of the area. 

Figure created by Daniël Vrielink (2014).